domingo, 1 de diciembre de 2013

Good News about chocolate

This good news about chocolate is welcome to anyone who loves this product! 

According to scientists,  chocolate contains flavanoids, also found in red wine and green tea, that help improve blood circulation. Those same compounds may also help reduce blood pressure. Some flavanols are lost when the cocoa bean is processed.

UntitledAnother study found that pregnant women who ate chocolate reported their babies smiled and laughed more often than those who did not consume chocolate.

And chocolate can influence your mood. Scientists used to think that compounds in chocolate produced endorphins in the brain.

I've choose this news because I love chocolate, and I have been always shure that chocolat eated in control its good for us, and with this news I'm happy because when I'm estaing choocolat I don't think with the negatives things and this is fantastic!

  • Blood pressure: presio sanguinea. 
  • Endorphin: endorfina.
  • Flavanoids: parts que fomren la xocolata.

2 comentarios:

  1. good job!! I like this news a lot, and I think that you have help me a lot, because know I will feel great when I eat chocolate. XOXO

  2. Hiii Pooola!
    I agree with that new, because that cake is so amazing. The influence in the chocolate by your mood it's good, because you can put what you want.
    So nice job! :)
