viernes, 16 de mayo de 2014

Girl cannot take her hand out of a drain

A little gir in China put his hand in a drain and had to be rescued  by firefighter. Using a hydraulic tool and lubricants, they managed to pull her hand out of the grill.

In my opinion this things can success to everybody because all when we are little we are touching everything and we want to play with all the things we can. So this news it’s not an strange case. But its good the idea that everybody on the street tried to help her, because that it means that still people help each other because when I’m walking on the street I see that everybody is on their own things and without never mind other people, and news like that make me see that we are still humans and we “love” each other.
  • Drain: claveguera, desaigua. 
  • Grill: graella metàlica. 
  • Tool: eina. 

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