martes, 20 de noviembre de 2012

My oral presentation

My passion, travel

Hello, in this presentation I’m going to talk about one my passions, is travel.

It took me a lot of time to choose the subject for this presentation and at the end I thought that this subject will be easy for me to explain because I like it a lot.

Since I was a child I always enjoyed travelling

I’ve been in:
Around Catalonia

I used to travel with my parents, family and friends

Now I want to talk about of my longest trip: Australia
I’ve been to Australia 2 times with my family.
We start the trip in the train station of Figueres, after 34 hours we arrive to our destination, Brisbane. Was a really long, long trip.

Once in Australia we visited and did a lot of thinks, we sail in the Whitsunday Inlands for a week, we were fishing, we snorkelled, we saw sharks, turtles and a jelly fishes.

Then we went to do snorkelling to ´the biggest coral reef. It was amazing we’ve seen there a lot of different sea animals.

We went to the Australia’s zoo and we met Steve the famous hunter crocodile. Unfortunately he died 1 year after.

My future plans
If I do well my studies (which I doubt quite a bit) I will like to do one of the curses in Germany and England or Australia.

At the moment I will love to have the opportunity to go to Berlin, Belgium and Holland.

This last summer I have worked 2 month to win a little bit of money and I will save more for my future travels.


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